Circle of Champions

May 29, 2015

Congratulations to us for winning the Circle of Champions award given by at the Bryant Awards each year. According to the Bryant website:

Growing a successful Bryant® dealership demands a steadfast commitment to Quality Products and Service, an unwavering dedication to Customer Satisfaction, and a daily demonstration of the highest level of Performance. The Bryant Awards program recognizes Bryant Factory Authorized Dealers (FADs) that have consistently done just that doing Whatever It Takes® to meet the requirements in Quality, Satisfaction, and Performance.

The Bryant Awards program consists of three different levels of awards: Circle of Champions, Medal of Excellence, and the Bryant Dealer of the Year.

FADs that attain a pre-determined score on the Bryant Awards scorecard, who are compliant with all the FAD requirements, and have at least 3 full years of Bryant purchases with the distributor are recognized as Circle of Champions.

Circle of Champions that have the most points (by region and tier) are recognized as the fifteen Medal of Excellence winners for the year. Medal of Excellence winners will compete for the coveted Dealer of the Year title. FADs that have received the Medal of Excellence award at least five times are considered Pinnacle Award dealers.

Through focus, determination, and leadership, Bryant Award winners have risen above their peers. They are true champions.

Thank you Bryant for this worthwhile award!

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